Open Educational Resources
Open educational resources (OER) are digital materials that can be used for teaching, learning, research, and more. As you strive to enhance the learning experiences for your students, open educational resources are free, openly licensed, and accessible to anyone, anytime via the Internet. Generally, these materials are organized as courses and often include course planning materials, evaluation tools, and thematic content.
The Tolleson Union High School District Professional Development Division has identified the following free-to-use teaching and learning content from around the world:
- OER Commons
- Connexions
- TED-Ed
- Khan Academy
- CK-12 Foundation
- Curriki
- MERLOT (Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching)
Open educational resources can supplement your instruction and extend learning past the classroom.
For more information about the professional development available at Tolleson Union High School District, please contact Vickie Landis.