Tolleson Union
High School District

Excellence in Every Endeavor

Our Mission

We cultivate the future success of all students and staff so they can enrich our community.

Welcome to TUHSD

Welcome to the Tolleson Union High School District, home to six comprehensive campuses, a high-performing college-prep high school, an online academy and several alternative programs. Our district offers a diverse array of opportunities, including dual enrollment, career and technical education, after-school programs, sports, arts, and more. Join us in fostering student success both inside and outside the classroom as we prepare our students for a future filled with endless possibilities.

Message from Our Superintendent

Insider's Update: Superintendent's Message | Jeremy Calles

You’ve probably noticed cars in our parking lots throughout the summer because the work never stops. We have been diligently preparing for the upcoming school year. Over the past year we have taken a good look at our business practices, and we have invited nationally renowned experts to help us determine our next steps. This has been combined with talking to our own experts in the field who know our students, parents, and community. The result is that the upcoming year is going to have a different feel to it, and our new direction is highlighted in our strategic plan.

I encourage you to review our strategic plan, but I will share a few of the highlights. The strategic plan outlines our values of Safety, Empathy, Respect, Visionary, Integrity, Curiosity, and Excellence. There is a hidden eighth value that brings it all together and it is the acronym that it makes – SERVICE. We value the service that we provide to our community.

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Our Latest News


Our New Strategic Plan

Our New Strategic Plan

As the new school year approaches, our district is proud to unveil its comprehensive strategic plan.

Snapshot Stories

Snapshot Stories

Dive into the vibrant tapestry of life at Tolleson Union High School District (TUHSD) with our “Snapshot Stories” feature!