District Professional Development Overview

The Tolleson Union High School District is committed to developing a culture in which all employees engage in continuous professional development to achieve district, school, and personal goals. Every employee in our organization is a teacher and a learner. The primary goal of professional development is to support those teachers and learners in providing quality education and increasing student achievement.

In order to support the learning and teaching systems at Tolleson Union High School District, we provide a comprehensive, sustained, and intensive approach to improving teachers’ and principals’ effectiveness. To ensure that the professional development efforts at TUHSD improve instruction, we strive to ensure that our professional development structures are:

  1. Aligned with rigorous federal, state, and district student academic achievement standards and school/ district improvement goals
  2. Conducted by qualified administrators, coaches, mentors, master teachers, and other teacher leaders
  3. Systemically occur as a natural function of teaching and learning in TUHSD
  4. Reviewed through an iterative improvement cycle

Professional Development

The professional development division is committed to making district sponsored professional development available to every educator serving our students throughout the year. The district forum for achieving this commitment is PD² — Providing Exponential Growth Opportunities. PD² is comprised of three spheres:

  1. Prep Delivered – Professional Development
    As implied in the title, this domain will focus on sessions (individual professional development events) and professional development series (multiple sessions generally requiring explicit job embed activities) that are offered during preparatory periods. The prep meetings generally are offered with an accompanying AM or PM session.
  2. Portal Delivered — Professional Development
    This sphere represents district-sponsored professional development opportunities that are technology supported or web-based trainings that enable you to participate in the training according to your availability. Evidence of participation will generally be accompanied by formal assessments of the learner outcomes.

For more information about the professional development available at Tolleson Union High School District, please contact:

John Brown
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