TUHSD Athletics
GoFan Ticketing provides fans with the easiest and fastest ticketing experience. Fans can easily buy and share tickets to school events and enjoy contactless entry. Once purchased, fans can access and redeem their tickets using the GoFan app on their iPhone or web browser on their Android device via their GoFan.co account. Please click on the GoFan icon to purchase tickets for TUHSD events.
Athletics Department
Athletics Clearance Procedures
Athletics Physical
An annual physical must be performed by a doctor every school year and must be after March 1 for the following school year. You must use the correct form for the correct school year. This can be found under the Athletics Clearance section of this web page.
All athletics physical pages must be signed by student, parent, and doctor where required and stamped by the doctor’s office in the space provided on the athletics physical form.
Register My Athlete
A parent/guardian must set-up an account on Register My Athlete and complete all of the following clearance requirements before their student-athlete(s) will be allowed to attend off-season, pre-season, tryout, practice, or competition activities.
All student-athletes from the same family should be entered under one parent/guardian account. Please contact your school’s Athletics office should you forget the email or password for the account. At no time should there be two accounts for the same student-athlete.
Acknowledge Reading the Electronic Documents
- NCAA Clearinghouse Academic Guide
- TUHSD Equipment Checkout/Parental Consent to Participate
- AIA MTBI/Concussion Annual Statement and Acknowledgement
- Statement of Awareness
- TUHSD Student-Athlete Code of Conduct/Athletic Handbook
Acknowledge Insurance
- School Insurance (may be purchased online with K & K Insurance)
- Own Insurance
e-Signatures for Terms of Participation
- Parent/Guardian
- Student
Upload Additional Documents *
- AIA Physical Examination Form (must be stamped by the doctor’s office)
- AIA Brainbook and Opioid Course Certificates
- Birth Certificate
- AIA Consent to Treat
Participation Fees
- $50 per student/per sport. This fee is payable at the school bookstore or online.
* Do not give any clearance documents to the athletics trainer or coaching staff or bring documents to the school’s Athletics office. Take a photo of your documents and save. Using your computer or device, ‘Upload Documents’ and select the appropriate photo(s) for each section.
You will know all forms have been submitted/approved once the registration reads Ready for Tryouts.
Please contact your school’s Athletics office should you need any assistance in this process.